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Mulvane School District USD 263

Federal/State Laws and Regulations


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NonAcademic Surveys

HB2567 Nonacademic Tests, Questionnaires, Surveys, & Exams

HB 2567 Section 27 

Nonacademic Tests, Questionnaires, Surveys and Exams include questions about personal and private attitudes, values, and beliefs, as well as practices of the student, parents, guardians, family members, associates, friends, and/or peers. These surveys and questionnaires are designed to give school staff information and feedback from the student's perspective.  When administering Nonacademic Tests, Questionnaires, Surveys & Exams, USD 263 will:

  • Notify the parent in writing no more than four months before administration of the Nonacademic Tests, Questionnaires, Surveys and Exams (NTQSE).
  • Include a copy of the NTQSE; describe how the parent provides written consent; provide the name of the company or entity; and explain how the data will be used.
  • The parent must “opt-in” with consent in writing or electronic signature for each NTQSE.
  • The student may “opt-out” of the NTQSE, and must be informed of this right.
  • Post a copy of the NTQSE on the school district website (below)


Kansas Communities that Care Survey

Our school will administer the Kansas Communities That Care (KCTC) Student Survey*in 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th-grade. This survey helps us understand how students behave, think, and feel about alcohol, marijuana, and other drug use, bullying, and school safety. The KCTC survey measures teen substance use, delinquency, and related problem behaviors in schools and communities. The survey gives us insight into the problems students face and shows what we can do to help them succeed. The information is important for planning effective prevention programs in our school and community and provides data to assist in applying for grant funding.
The survey can be viewed by clicking here.

You may also be interested to know the following:

1. It is completely anonymous. Students will not be asked for their names on the questionnaire, nor will anyone be able to connect any individual student with his/her responses. School staff will not see any one student’s responses, but only summaries of results.
2. Participation is entirely voluntary. Your child may decline to participate in the survey or may simply skip any question they do not wish to answer.
3. Annual participation is important. Even if your child has participated in previous surveys, annual data is extremely helpful in determining the effectiveness of previous efforts and changes in program areas.

4. The survey is provided by the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services, Behavioral Health Services Commission, and administered by Greenbush – The Southeast Kansas Education Service Center, Research and Evaluation Department.

5. More information is available here. 



mySAEBRS (my Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener) is a brief, norm-referenced tool for screening all students to identify those who are at risk for social-emotional behavior (SEB) problems. SAEBRS is one of the only SEB universal screening tools built to align with a dual-factor model of student social-emotional functioning, which asserts that mental health should be defined by both the absence of problem behaviors and symptomatology (e.g., internalizing and externalizing behaviors) and the presence of well-being and competencies (e.g., social-emotional skills).

Additional information: 

  • mySAEBRS is designed for universal screening of students in grades 2 through 12. 
  • Required Opt-in
  • mySAEBRS can be used to identify students who are at risk for social, academic, and emotional behaviors up to five times a year. By evaluating in which of the three specific domains a student is at risk, educators may determine what type of supports are most appropriate and which problem behaviors should be prioritized through intervention.

The survey questions can be viewed through this link. 

 More information can be found at: https://www.illuminateed.com/products/fastbridge/social-emotional-behavior-assessment/mysaebrs/