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Mulvane School District USD 263

High School


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Mr. Randy Fox

Social Science, ATC-R, Football, Track


Contact Information
Phone Number(s):

High School:

777-1183 Ext. 4304

E-Mail Address: rfox@usd263.org


Class Schedule
1st Semester 2nd Semester
Hr. 1- Civics Hr. 1-Civics
Hr. 2- World Studies Hr. 2- World Studies
Hr. 3- Civics Hr. 3-Care of Athletes
Hr. 4- World Studies Hr. 4- World Studies
Hr. 5- Civics Hr. 5- Civics
Hr. 6- Civics Hr. 6- Civics
Hr. 7- Plan Hr. 7- Plan
Hr. 8- Advisory Hr. 8- Advisory


I teach Social Studies at Mulvane High School.  I teach U.S. Civics and World Studies.  Additionally during second semester I also teach Care of Athletes, which introduces students to the career of Athletic Training.  I am the school's certified athletic trainer and also an assistant coach for football and track.

Please access the links below to review the syllabus for each class.

Civics Syllabus

World Studies Syllabus

Care of Athletes Syllabus