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Mulvane School District USD 263

High School


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Sportsmanship Announcement


Attention Fans:

Spectators are expected to exhibit good sporting behavior at all interscholastic contests in promoting a positive experience for those involved.  Personal attacks, verbal berating or the use of profanity directed at any player, coach or official will result in your removal from that event and future events.    We thank you for your attendance, positive support and courtesy. 


2024 Summer Camp & Workout Schedule

Welcome to the Ark Valley Chisholm Trail League!


Visit www.AVCTL.org and select Mulvane 

for complete schedules, scores, and much more!  

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automatically when events change.

Click here for the: Parent Setup Guide


Click on the form needed below to open in a new window and print.


2024-2025 Sports Forms


24-25 FinalForms Information & Instructions

FinalForms Parent Playbook


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AVCTL Sportsmanship Statement

Preamble: Let it hereby be resolved that we, the schools comprising the Ark Valley Chisholm Trail League, will be united in common effort to promote better sportsmanship. The following points are set forth to provide a better relationship among all students and adult fans, to discard the elements of dissension among all schools, to promote friendly rivalry, and to further a closer relationship among the schools and communities included in this league.


Cooperation: We will cooperate with each other in making pregame arrangements; exchanging cheerleader courtesies and exhibit a willingness to cooperate with opposing teams and all of their representatives.


Courtesy: We will strive to maintain courteous association before, during, and after all interschool activities. Through maintaining an open-mind we will keep our emotions and sentiments from overcoming our better judgment and common sense.

Fair Play: We dedicate ourselves to practice fair play in both reality and spirit. We will seek to win by fair and sportsmanlike means, according to the rules of the game and as interpreted by the officials. We can best understand and appreciate the other persons point of view, his/her feelings and situations by practice of the golden rule.  Do unto others as you would have the do unto you.


Friendliness: We will respect the other schools and be courteous and gracious to the fullest extent. We will reserve a student section at all games and treat our opponents as our guests. We will congratulate our opponents, win or lose, to further the friendship throughout the league.

Respect: We will respect the rights of others and the officials decisions. We will respect all school songs, and property of others, the school spirit of our opponents, and all people attending the games, by staying in the stands during the game and not blocking the view. We will refrain from uttering abusive or irritating remarks from the sideline.


View Month

Calendar Week of March 30 - April 5, 2025