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Mulvane School District USD 263

Board of Education


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Section J Table of Contents


JA-Goals and Objectives (See BDA, CMGAA, and JCDA)

JB-Attendance Records (See JBC, JBD, and JBE)

JBC-Enrollment [Resident Students, NonResident Students, Enrollment Restriction, Enrollment Procedures, Part-Time Students, Identification of Students, Enrollment Information, Assignment to a School Building, Grade Level or Classes, Transferring Credit, Transfers from Non-Accredited Schools] (See IIBGB, JBCAJBCB, JBCC, and JQKA)

JBCA-Homeless Students [Coordinator] [Homeless Student Regulations, Enrollment/Placement, Services, Transportation, Records, Coordinator, Complaint Form] (See EDAA and JBC)

JBCB-Foster Care Students [Point of Contact, Mobile Crisis Helpline] (See EDAAJBC, and JBCA)

JBCC-Enrollment of Nonresident Students [Definitions, Determining Capacity for Nonresident Enrollment, Priority in Filling Open Seats, Prohibitions Regarding Open Enrollment Provisions of this Policy, Transportation of Students, KSHSAA Eligibility, Information Share with the Kansas State Department of Education, Nonresident Student Continued Enrollment, Determining Good Standing, Appeal Process, Enrollment of Out-of-State Students] (See JBC, JBCA, JBCB, and JQKA)

JBD-Absences and Excuses [Excused/Unexcused Absences, Significant Part of a School Day, Make-Up Work] (See AEB, IHEA, JBE, and JDD)

JBE-Truancy [Waiver of Compulsory Attendance Requirements, Involvement of Law Enforcement, Reporting to Parents, Dual Enrollment Students] (See AEB, IDCE, JBD, and JQ)

JBH-Release of a Student During the School Day (See EBB and EBBD)

JCAB-Searches of Property [Search of Lockers, Searches of Property, Use of Trained Dogs in Conducting Sweeps] (See JCABB)

JCABB-Searches of Students (See JCAB and JCAC)

JCAC-Interrogation and Investigations [Coordination with Law Enforcement, Notification of Investigations Conducted by Law Enforcement Officers, Child Abuse and Identify Investigations Conducted by Law Enforcement Officers, Law Enforcement Initiated Investigations at School, Taking Students Into Custody, Disturbance of School Environment, Definition] (See EBC, GAAD, JCABB, JCEC, and JHCAA)

JCDA-Student Conduct (See AEB, IIBG, JA, JDD, and JHCAA)

JCDAA-Tobacco-Free School Grounds for Students (See GAOC and KMA)

JCDB-Dress Code

JCDBB-Weapons [Weapons and Destructive Devices, Penalties for Weapon Violations] (See EBC, JDC, JDD, JHCAA, and KGD)

JCE-Complaints of Discrimination [Complaints about Discrimination, Informal Procedures, Formal Complaint Procedures, Formal Complaint Appeal] (See JDDC, JGECJGECAKN, and KNA)

JCEC-Demonstrations (See JCAC)

JDA-Corporal Punishment


JDC-Probation (See JCDBB and JDD)

JDD-Suspension and Expulsion Procedures [Reasons for Suspension or Expulsion, Short-Term Suspension, Long-Term Suspension or Expulsion, Rules Which Apply in all Cases When a Student may be Suspended or Expelled, Student Rights During a Long-Term Suspension/Expulsion Hearing, Appeal to the Board] (See AEB, EBC, IHEA, JBD, JCDA, JCDBB, JDC, JDDB, JDDC, and JHCAA)

JDDA-Drug Free Schools [Student Conduct] (See GAOB and LDD)

JDDAA-Student Misuse of Medication (See JDDA, JGFGB, JGFGBA, and LDD)

JDDAAA-Use of Breathalyzer

JDDB-Reporting to Law Enforcement (See EBC and JDD)

JDDC-Bullying (See EBC, GAAE, JCE, JDD, JGEC, JGECA, and KGC) [USD 263 Bullying Plan]

JF-Academic Achievement [Reporting, Report Cards] (See II and JR)

JFA-Peer Grading of Assignments

JFAB-Student Conferences

JFAC-Parent Conferences

JFB-Promotion and Retention

JFC-Graduation Exercises

JFCA-Early Graduation (See IHF)

JGA-Student Insurance Program

JGC-Health Assessments and Physicals (See JGCB)

JGCA-Local Wellness Policy

JGCB-Inoculations (See JGC)

JGCBA-Automated External Defibrillators

JGCC-Communicable Diseases

JGCD-Health Screenings [Vision Screenings, Hearing Screening, Dental Screenings, Selected Screenings]

JGD-Student Psychological Services (See JR)

JGEC-Sexual Harassment [Response to Harassment Complaints, Definitions, Supportive Measures, The Formal Complaint, Formal Complaint Notice Requirements, Formal Complaint Investigation Procedures, Formal Complaint Investigation Report, Decision Maker's Determination, Appeals, Informal Resolution Process (See GAAC, GAAD, GAF, JDDC, and KN)

JGECA-Racial and Disability Harassment: Students (See GAACA, GAAB, GAF, JDDC, and KN)

JGFB-Supervision of Students (See GAO, GBR, and JH)

JGFF-Student Transportation [Use of Vehicles and Bicycles, Walkers, Notice] (See JGG)

JGFG-Student Accidents and Health Emergencies [Emergency Care, Records]

JGFGA-Administration of Emergency Opioid Antagonists [Training, Procurement of the Product, Storage, Use of the Product, Follow-up, Protection from Liability]

JGFGB-Supervision of Medications (See JGFGBA)

JGFGBA-Student Self-Administration of Medications [Student Eligibility, Authorization Required, Employee Immunity, Waiver of Liability, Additional Requirements for Students Prone to Specified Emergencies] (See JDDA, JDDAA, and JGFGB)

JGFGBB-Accommodating Students with Diabetes [Student Eligibility, Employee Immunity]

JGG-Transportation (See ED and EDDA)

JGGA-Use of Video Cameras (See CN, JRJRB, and KGB)

JGH-School Food Service Programs [Free or Reduced Price Meals, Contracts with Other Agencies]

JGHB-Vending Machines and Other Automated Play Machines (See DK)

JH-Student Activities [Eligibility for Activities, Participation in Kansas State High School Activity Association Activities, Adding or Eliminating Activities, Activity Fund Management] (See DK, JGFB, JM, and KG)

JHC-Student Organizations [Student Clubs, Non-School Sponsored Student Clubs, Student Government]

JHCA-Student Publications [School-Sponsored Student Publications, Non-School Sponsored Student Publications, Advertisements] (See KI)

JHCAA-Gang Intimidation (See JCAC, JCDA, JCDBB, and JDD)

JJ-Employment of Students [In-School Employment, Outside Employment, Vocational or Other Work Experience] (See IDAA)

JK-Solicitations (See KI)

JL-Gifts [Student Gifts to Staff Members, Faculty Gifts to Students, Student Organization Gifts to the School] (See DK, GAJ, and KH)

JM-Contests for Students (See JH)


JQ-Exceptional Students [Concurrent Enrollment] (See IDCE and JBE)

JQA-Physically Disabled Students

JQE-Alternative Arrangements for Nontraditional Students

JQI-Adult Students

JQKA-Foreign Exchange Students [Form-Foreign Exchange Student/Host Family Application] (See JBC)

JQL-Hearing Procedures for Exceptional Students

JQLA-Class-size/Caseload Limits for Exceptional Students

JR-Student Records (See BCBK, CN, CYA, ECA, IDAE, JGGA, JRB, and KBA)

JRA-Types of Records [Permanent Student Records, Administrative Records, Supplementary Records, Tentative Records] (See BCBK, CN, CYA, ECA, IDAE, JGGA, JR, and KBA)

JRB-Release of Student Records [Directory Information, Forwarding Pupil Records] (See BCBK, CN, CNA, ECA, IDAE, JGGA, JR, and KBA)

JRC-Disposition of Records (See BCBK, CN, CYA, ECA, IDAE, JGGA, JR, and KBA)  

JRD-Hearing Request (See BCBK, CN, CYA, ECA, IDAE, JGGA, JR, and KBA)

JS-Student Fees and Charges [Credit Card Payments, Fee Schedules, Debt Collection, Forwarding Pupil Records]


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Calendar Week of February 16 - February 22, 2025
