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Mulvane School District USD 263

Board of Education


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Section G Table of Contents


GA-Personnel Policy Organization

GAA-Goals and Objectives (See BDA, CMand JA)

GAAA-Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-discrimination

GAAB-Complaints of Discrimination [Informal Procedures, Formal Complaint Procedures, Formal Complaint Appeal] (See GAAC, GAACA, JDDCJGEC, JGECA, KN, and KNA)

GAAC-Sexual Harassment [Response to Harassment Complaints, Definitions, Supportive Measures, The Formal Complaint, Formal Complaint Notice Requirements, Formal Complaint Investigation Procedures, Formal Complaint Investigation Report, Decision-Maker's Determination, Appeals, Informal Resolution Process] (See GAF and JGEC)

GAACA-Racial and Disability Harassment: Employees (See GAF, JGECA, KN)

GAAD-Child Abuse [DCF or Law Enforcement Access to Students on School Premises, Cooperation Between School and Agencies, Reporting Procedure, Mobile Crisis Helpline, Annual Training] (See JCAC and JGEC)

GAAE-Bullying by Staff (See EBC, GAAB, JDD, JDDC, and KGC) [USD 263 Bullying Plan]

GAAF-Emergency Safety Interventions [Definitions, Prohibited Types of Restraint, Use of Emergency Safety Interventions, ESI Restrictions, Use of Seclusion, Training, Notification and Documentation, Law Enforcement, School Resource, and Campus Security Officers, Documentation of ESI Incidents, Reporting Data, Parent Right to Meeting on ESI Use, Local Dispute Resolution Process] (See GAO, JRB, JQ, and KN)

GACA-Positions (See CD and GACB)

GACB-Job Descriptions (See CD and GACA)

GACC-Recruitment and Hiring [Recruitment, Hiring, Hiring Sequence]

GACCA-Nepotism [Supervision Limitations]

GACD-Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9) (See GAK)

GACE-Assignment and Transfer

GAD-Employee Development Opportunities


GAF-Staff-Student Relations (See GAAC, GAACA, JGEC, JGECA, and KN)

GAG-Conflict of Interest

GAH-Participation in Community Activities

GAHB-Political Activities [Holding Public Office, Political Activity in the Schools]

GAI-Solicitations (See KDC)

GAJ-Gifts [Gifts to Staff Member] (See JL and KH)

GAK-Personnel Records [Requests for References, Immunity Provided, Prohibition on Aiding and Abetting Sexual Abuse, Form-Request to Release Personnel Records] (See CEI, CGI, GACD, GBI, and GCI)

GAL-Salary Deductions (FLSA) (See GAOF)

GAM-Personal Appearance

GAN-Travel Expenses (See BBBF, CG, CEF, GBRC, GCA)

GANA-Expense Reimbursement and Credit Cards (See CEF and GAN)

GAO-Maintaining Proper Control (See GAAF and JGFB)

GAOA-Drug-Free Workplace (See LDD)

GAOB-Drug Free Schools [Employee Conduct] (See JDDA and LDD)

GAOC-Tobacco-Free School Grounds for Staff (See JCDAA and KMA)

GAOD-Drug and Alcohol Testing

GAOE-Workers Compensation [Testing, Choice of Physician] (See KFD)

GAOF-Salary Deductions (See GAL)

GAR-Communicable Diseases [Additional Certifications of Health]

GARA-Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan

GARI-Family and Medical Leave

GARIA-Pregnant and Parenting Employees [Reasonable Accommodations for Pregnancy-Related Limitations, Break Time to Express Milk] (see GAAA and GAAB)

GARID-Uniformed Service Leave


GBI-Evaluation [Availability of Evaluation Documents, Evaluation Criteria] (See GAK)


GBN-Nonrenewal and Termination

GBO-Resignation [Exit Interviews, Release from Contract]

GBQA-Reduction of Teaching Staff

GBR-Working Schedule [Work Schedules, Attendance Required] (See JGFB)

GBRC-Professional Development (See GAN and GBRH)

GBRD-Staff Meetings

GBRE-Additional Duty

GBRG-Non-School Employment


GBRGB-Tutoring for Pay

GBRH-Leaves and Absences [Classified Employees-Paid Leave, Unpaid Leave, Jury Leave, Bereavement Leave; Licensed and Special Services Employees-Paid Leave, Unpaid Leave, Jury Leave, Bereavement Leave] (See GBRC)

GBRIBA-Disability Leave

GBRJ-Substitute Teaching

GBU-Ethics (See IA and IKB)

GCA-Compensation and Work Assignments [Work Assignments, Attendance Required, Workweek, Classification of Employees, Overtime, Compensation for Out-of-Town/Overnight Trips] (See GAN)

GCI-Classified Employee Evaluation (See GAK)


GCRF-Non-School Employment


GCRI-Paid Holidays

View Month

Calendar Week of February 16 - February 22, 2025
