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Mulvane School District USD 263

Board of Education


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Section D Table of Contents

Fiscal Management

DA-Goals and Objectives

DB-Budget Planning [Needs Assessment] (See DC and KBA)

DC-Annual Operating Budget [Budget Forms, Priorities, Deadlines and Schedules, Encumbrances, Recommendations, Preliminary Adoption Procedures, Hearings and Reviews, Budget Transparency, Management of District Assets/Accounts] (See DB and KBA)

DE-Fraud Prevention and Investigation [Reporting Fraud, Whistleblowers]

DFAA-Grants and other Outside Financial Resources

DFAB-Standard of Conduct for Federally Funded Contracts

DFAC-Federal Fiscal Compliance [Time and Effort Reporting by Employees, Recordkeeping, Subrecipient Monitoring, Compliance Violations] (See CN, DFAA, and DFAB)

DFE-Investment of Funds [Posting Securities, Distribution of Monies for Investment shall be as follows:]

DFG-Fees, Payments, and Rentals (See KG)

DFK-Gifts and Bequests

DFM-Equipment and Supplies Sales (See KK)

DH-Bonded Employees


DJB-Petty Cash Accounts [Resolution to Establish Petty Cash Fund]

DJE-Purchasing [Purchasing Authority]

DJEB-Quality Control [Specifications, Standardization, Quantity Purchasing]

DJED-Bids and Quotations Requirements [Bid Specifications, Procedure, Responsible Bidder, Withdrawal of Bids, Rejection of Bids, Multi-State Purchasing Pools]

DJEE-Local Purchasing


DJEG-Purchase Orders and Contracts (See DJEJ and DJFAB)

DJEJ-Payment Procedures (See DJEG and DJFAB)

DJFA-Purchasing Authority

DJFAB-Administrative Leeway (See DJEG and DJEJ)

DK-Student Activity Fund Management [Activity Fund Management, Activity Fund Deposits, Inactive Activity Funds, Resolution to Establish Activity Fund] (See JGHB, JH, and JL)

DP-Collection Procedures [Unpaid Fees and Negative Account Balances, Insufficient Funds Checks](See EE and JS)


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Calendar Week of February 16 - February 22, 2025
